AI, Animals, and Digital Minds Conference
June 3, 2024 (Hybrid - London and Online)

The conference, organized by the creators of the AI for Animals website, will explore how we can develop AI technologies in a way that protects and benefits nonhuman animals and potentially sentient AI.

Participants of the 2023 Conference at Princeton University

Animal Computer Interaction
Dec 5, 2024 (Glasgow, Scotland)

The International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction is the leading venue in the rapidly expanding field of ACI. Organised yearly in co-operation with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

This workshop aims to promote the discovery of moral issues between AI and Animals, particularly in the French-speaking world. We are interested in any paper that combines elements of animal ethics and AI ethics.

AI, Animals, and Digital Minds Retreat
June 3, 2024 (Hybrid - London and Online)

This will be a follow up retreat to the conference where attendees will be able to gather for more relaxed networking and discussion groups.

Do you know of any other events related to AI and animals?

Let us know at or by filling out the form at the ‘Contact us’ page.